Friday, 30 January 2015

Pollution causes us to age 10% faster

Photo - Mads Perch Getty Images

We’ve all experienced that grimy feeling after a day in the city and the black water as you wash your face and hands. But surely this is just dirt that can be washed away?  Following recent studies, we now know that this dirt is more damaging to the skin than we thought.
These studies found that pollution particles don't just stick to our faces – many of them are so miniscule, they penetrate right into it. Then they disintegrate, generating free radicals that destroy the skin's protective barrier. This leads to a whole host of issues including moisture loss, irritation, collagen breakdown, lines, and brown spots.
However with the right products you can protect your skin and slow down the ageing process.
1) Cleanse twice
Twice-daily double-cleansing is a must. The first cleanse will get rid of makeup and stick-on grime, while the second works deeper into pores to tackle sebum, sweat and filth particles that have dug in deep. Many of these particles are not water-soluble and therefore require an oil-based product to remove them such as Environ’s AVST Pre-Cleansing Oil (£19.00). Follow with an appropriate cleanser. Sebuwash (£17.00) is a gel based, foaming cleanser containing tea tree oil. For a dry, sensitive skin cleanse with AVST Cleansing Lotion (£29.95).
2) Try a Professional Treatment
A deep cleansing treatment carried out by a professional therapist is not only relaxing, it will increase blood circulation and lymphatic drainage and can treat a number of skin concerns.
It is claimed that sonic treatments (using sound vibrations to 'shake loose' ingrained dirt) remove up to 30% more pollution particles than manual cleansing. CACI Ultra treatments offer ultrasonic peeling to deep cleanse the skin allowing for better penetration of active ingredients (prices start from just £15).
3) Antioxidants, antioxidants, and more antioxidants
The best defence against an avalanche of different urban toxins are products with a cocktail of antioxidants. Environ’s range of moisturisers contain a potent combination of vitamins A, C and E along with powerful antioxidants, flavonoids and peptides to protect.  
4) Eat antioxidants
"Cell oxidation is a major problem for city slickers," says nutritionist Lorraine Perretta of the International Institute of Anti-Ageing. "The inflammation it causes starts inside the body and depletes its natural store of antioxidants, so it's important to top them up by eating rainbow-coloured fruit and vegetables and vitamin E-rich avocados, nuts and olive oil. We recommend adding daily antioxidant supplement in the morning such as Advanced Nutrition Programme Skin Antioxidant (£29.95).
5) Protect your skin
A good base with skincare benefits really comes into its own in the big city. It can form a shield against dirt, support the skin barrier, soothe irritation, offer sun protection and fight free radicals, provided it has the right ingredients. Mineral based products are perfect. All Jane Iredale bases have a natural SPF and offer protection against pollution and other environmental factors, protecting and enhancing your skin care efforts.
6) Don’t forget the sun protection
For those who believe the smog will offer protection against UV rays, think again: it actually makes the sun more dangerous. Research has shown that the nitrogen dioxide belched out by diesel engines reacts with UV light to produce cell-disrupting ozone, adding to the toxic load attacking your face. A study actually found that exhaust fumes are particularly good at increasing pigment spots, by no less than 20%. All the more reason to protect your skin with a good quality SPF. Dermatologists recommend layering one under your foundation, even if it has its own SPF. 
Environ’s RAD Spray SPF 25 contains four different sunscreen elements to guard against UVA and UVB rays and is enriched with plat antioxidants and vitamins for added protection (£29.95).
7) Don't shop on Oxford Street!
You may not notice a layer of smog which is known to be present in other cities around the world, however pollution here may be worse than you think. Nine UK cities breach the World Health Organisation's 'safe' air quality levels. Among them are Birmingham, Nottingham and London, where Oxford Street is deemed the worst in the world for levels of nitrogen dioxide. So you may want stick to Worthing for your shopping trips!