Wednesday 2 May 2012

Professional Development

At Euphoric, two words featuring highly in our company ethos are knowledge and training. Our industry is constantly changing and developing and we need to keep up with current trends and changing ideas. We also want to continue to be experts in our field so we can give you the best treatments with the best results.  

So it’s pouring with rain and I’m sat on a crowded train on my way to London and it’s not even 7:00am yet! Such is my dedication to my industry that I’ve joined the world of the commuters to make the journey to Brent Cross to repeat my Environ training. I find myself one of them, being carried along with the flow, rushing through the station, squeezing on to the Tube with my face pushed into the armpit of the stranger in front of me! I quite enjoy the whole experience of being a busy Londoner (not the armpit experience, naturally) for a few days but I couldn’t do it every day.

Most of the girls in the group are totally new to Environ but having worked with the products for so long, I feel the trainer’s eyes looking in my direction, expecting me to know all the answers!! I found that although a lot has changed since I did my initial training eight years ago, I’m surprised at how much I actually do know and remember. 

Over the last few weeks my team and I have attended a number of training courses and seminars. The introduction of the Jane Iredale mineral skin care make-up meant a two-day training course which I completed at the beginning of April. No longer is my knowledge of the products limited to “It’s liquid minerals in an anti-ageing serum”. If you ask me now what’s so special about Jane Iredale make-up, I’m able to reel off the ten USP’s along with other specialist knowledge I gained over my two-day course. And believe me, I’m really impressed with the whole range.

And then there was the amazing seminar with Des Fernandes, creator of the Environ advanced cosmeceutical skin care range, and a real inspiration for those of us who are passionate about skin.  I wished I could have taken a memory stick along and plugged it into his brain to extract all his knowledge. Such expertise takes years to accomplish so I strive to read as much as I can, attend as many courses as possible and build my knowledge through training and hands-on experience.

There’s always more to learn, but I enjoy working on it as I love developing and expanding my knowledge base. 

After all, my clients deserve the very best – don’t you?!

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